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What should not be taken out of this paper, however, is a belief that the Japanese people themselves are entirely anti-American by nature the opinions are there, but to say that they loathe your average American is nothing short of ignorance. Those especially interested in anime and manga may want to pay attention to the latter half of the paper, in which I discuss two very influential series and how they've shaped the commoners' anti-American beliefs. While I do not believe it is the end-all-that-be-all for research into anti-American thoughts in Japan, it nevertheless serves as a good starting point, taking plenty of time to discuss history, its impact, and how it all plays out today. It has been posted here more or less because a number of people have expressed interest in reading what I have to say after referencing the paper in various status updates. The following is a research paper which has taken roughly a month to compose, give or take a few weeks because of delays due in part to laziness. Japanese Anti-Americanism: A Byproduct of Historical Intimacy

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